Tham khảo Henry VI của Anh

  1. The standard modern biography is Bertram Wolffe, Henry VI, London, 1981; the authoritative academic text is Ralph Griffiths, The Reign of Henry VI, Berkeley 1981
  2. Kendall, P.M., Louis XI: The Universal Spider, USA 1971, các trang 39-40
  3. Lingard, John, A History of England, Vol. V, 1854, tr. 90.
  4. Lingard, tr. 91.
  5. C T Allmand & Dorothy Styles, "The Coronations of Henry VI", History Today, quyển 32, issue 5 (1982). Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 2 năm 2013
  6. J.-B. Lebigue, "L'ordo du sacre d'Henri VI à Notre-Dame de Paris (16 décembre 1431)", Notre-Dame de Paris 1163-2013, 2013, tr. 319-363
  7. Lingard, tr. 108.
  8. Griffiths, R.,The Reign of Henry VI, Berkeley 1981, tr. 298
  9. Hicks, M.A., The Wars of the Roses Yale 2002, tr. 67
  10. Griffiths, R., The Reign of Henry VI, Berkeley 1981, tr. 677
  11. Sevenoaks Preservation Society: The Rising in Kent in 1450 A.D., J.K.D. Copy in Sevenoaks public library.
  12. Nigel Bark, Medical Hypothesis (journal); cited by Times Higher Education, "Findings: Henry VI: parts one and two", ngày 18 tháng 10 năm 2002 (ngày 13 tháng 8 năm 2014).
  13. Charles VI, in turn, may have inherited a condition from his mother, Joanna of Bourbon, who also showed signs of mental illness, and/or other members of her family, who showed signs of psychiatric instability, such as Joanna's father, Peter I, Duke of Bourbon and her grandfather, Louis I, Duke of Bourbon. Joanna's brother Louis II, Duke of Bourbon is also reported to have exhibited symptoms of such a condition.
  14. Sadler, John, "The Red Rose and the White: the Wars of the Roses 1453-1487", (Longman, 2010), 49-51.
  15. 1 2 Ralph Griffiths, The Reign of Henry VI, Berkeley 1981
  16. Wolffe, Bertram (1981). Henry VI. London: Eyre Methuen. tr. 342–344.
  17. “Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales”. Truy cập 17 tháng 3 năm 2015.
  18. John W. McKenna (1965), "Henry VI of England and the Dual Monarchy: aspects of royal political propaganda, 1422–1432", Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 28:145–62.
  19. Either, that with Prince Edward's death, there was no longer any reason to keep Henry alive, or that, until Prince Edward died, there was little benefit to killing Henry.According to rumours at the time and what spread through the ages, was that Henry VI, was killed with a blow to the back of the head, whilst at prayer in the late hours of the 21st of May 1471.Wolffe, Bertram (1981). Henry VI. London: Eyre Methuen. tr. 347.
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