
This template formats a linguistic interlinear glossed text:Nginda-rniDEM(M)-FOCngaja-misee-IRRjurliji-rdarrabird-PLdiyimflyka-rdu3SG-goNginda-rni ngaja-mi jurliji-rdarra diyim ka-rduDEM(M)-FOC see-IRR bird-PL fly 3SG-go'Look at all the birds flying!'Important: On lines to be interlinearised, any wiki markup or templates should never span word boundaries. Мarkup or templates that apply to a sequence of words must be repeated for each word: (It is also possible to apply formatting to an entire line, see below)TeAndni-kekoopast-arrived.PLte̱emanúnheTe ni-kekoo te̱e únAnd past-arrived.PL man he"The men arrived"The characters <, > and = should not be used directly. They can be substituted as follows:To let a multi-word expression be treated as a single word, surround it in {curly brackets}. Similarly, use {} for an empty word:[1]DitThisisiseenavoorbeeldjelittle exampleininhet NederlandsDutch.Dit is een voorbeeldje in het NederlandsThis is a {little example} in {} Dutch.The template can be invoked with any number of unnamed parameters, which are interpreted as lines of text. If there is only one unnamed parameter, then it will be rendered in-line and treated as a gloss line: {{interlinear|house-ATTR master-ABS}} gives: house-ATTR master-ABS. If they are more than one, then all will be interlinearised except the last one, which is assumed to be the free translation. To force the interlinearisation of all lines, supply an empty last unnamed parameter:Ù-dììnyCOMPL-hitJuáànyJuanbèʔcw.dogÙ-dììny Juáàny bèʔcw.COMPL-hit Juan dogA line of text to be displayed above the interlinear block is given using |top=, one to be displayed immediately below the free translation is set using |bottom=. If any of these need to contain more than a singe line, then line breaks can be introduced using {{br}}.Example numbering can be set using |number=. The parameter consists in one or more characters to be displayed in the left margin.kʼetʼu-qcat-POSS:ESSɣˤaymilk:ABSħaƛu-ł-xodrink-POT-PRSkʼetʼu-q ɣˤay ħaƛu-ł-xocat-POSS:ESS milk:ABS drink-POT-PRS"The cat can drink milk."The indentation of the interlinear block (measured in ems) can be modified using |indent=.Currently, the default value is 3 if |number= is set, and 0 otherwise. This behaviour is set to change: the next version of the template will apply indentation by default.The spacing between consecutive word stacks can be adjusted using |spacing=; it is measured in ems and its default value is 1.To visually set off the interlinear display from surrounding text, the |box=yes parameter can be used. It surrounds the whole interlinear text in a box with a wikitable-like background colour.Nyama-bajiDEM-PLimimikin-bili-rni-rniold.woman-ANIM.DU-F-ERGardalakbi-wurru-juhot-3PL-doNyama-baji imimikin-bili-rni-rni ardalakbi-wurru-juDEM-PL old.woman-ANIM.DU-F-ERG hot-3PL-do'The two old women feel hot.'To add a comment after a given line, use |cN= (where N is the sequence of the line: the content of |c1= will be appended at the end of first line, |c2= – at the end of the second line etc.):ShteFUTdaCOMPLeAUXvidiyalsee.PTC.M.SG(rare in spoken usage) Shte da e vidiyalFUT COMPL AUX see.PTC.M.SG'He must have seen it.'Formatting can be set for an entire line using the |styleN= parameter, which applies CSS style properties[2] to line N (|style1= for the first line, |style2= for the second one, etc):Įxę̀ęyesterdayeyasick/painfulı̨-lèPFV.3.SBJ-COP.PFVĮxę̀ę eya ı̨-lèyesterday sick/painful PFV.3.SBJ-COP.PFV'Yesterday he was sick.'Similarly, CSS classes[3] can be specified for line N using |classN=. Classes should be given without any quotation marks.Italics are by default applied to the first line, unless disabled by |italics1=no. Any line can be italicised using |italicsN=yes (where N is the number of the line). On italicised lines, tone numbers[4] will be formatted as superscripts, unless |tone-superscripting= is set to no. To turn off italics for a particular word within an italicised line, use {{noitalic}}.To specify the language of a given line, you can use |langN= (with N being 1 for the first line, 2 for the second one etc.).[5] The parameter should be the ISO code of the language, as in the familiar Template:Lang. If the unnumbered |lang= is given, then it is applied to the first line. If line N employs IPA, then the effect of Template:IPA can be mimicked by setting |ipaN=yes.[6] If transliteration has been used, then the transliteration scheme can be specified with the |translN= parameter (similarly to Template:Transl).Linguistic glosses typically abbreviate grammatical category labels, like this: Bản mẫu:Gcl, instead of the full name 'accusative'. The line containing such glosses is specified using |glossingN=yes (where N is the number of the line within the interlinear text). If no line is specified, then it is assumed such glosses are found in the second line (this can be bypassed with |glossing2=no). Within the lines so specified, any sequence of upper case letters will be interpreted as a grammar gloss and formatted in Bản mẫu:Small caps.Additionally, the template will attempt to recognise the meaning of each abbreviation by looking it up in several places (more details below), and if the abbreviation is found, it will be formatted with a dotted underline and the "label" of this abbreviation will be displayed in a tooltip, like this: Bản mẫu:Gcl. Alternatively, the abbreviation can be turned into a link to the wikipedia article about the corresponding grammatical category, like this: Bản mẫu:Gcl. To choose the latter behvaiour, use the following parameter: |glossing=link. It is possible for separate lines to employ different styles, in this case the parameters used will be |glossing2=, |glossing3=, etc.If a particular glossing abbreviation is to be treated differently from the rest, then {{gcl}} can be used:ngagun-yi1sg.NOM-Bản mẫu:Gclnga-nanda-yiBản mẫu:Gcl.3sgO-see-Bản mẫu:GclnungBản mẫu:Gcl.Bản mẫu:Gclngagun-yi nga-nanda-yi nung1sg.NOM-Bản mẫu:Gcl Bản mẫu:Gcl.3sgO-see-Bản mẫu:Gcl Bản mẫu:Gcl.Bản mẫu:Gcl'I saw him/her.'In this example, {{gcl|acc}} marks up acc as a glossing abbreviation (it wouldn't have otherwise been interpreted as such because it is lower-case). {{gcl|1sgA|1st-person singular "agent"}} is used to define the meaning of the unusual abbreviation 1sgA, which wouldn't be recognised even in upper case. {{gcl|ERG}} displays the abbreviation as a link to the Wikipedia article. {{gcl|PST}} applies formatting to a part of a glossing abbreviation; if {{gcl}} weren't used here then the wikimarkup would have forced P to be treated as a separate abbreviation from ST.If the grammatical category labels are not abbreviated but written out in full (like that: Bản mẫu:Gcl) then |glossing= should be set to no abbr, which will only apply small-caps formatting:wǒIyǐjingalreadyjiàn-guòsee-EXPERIENTIALZhāng SānZhang Sanle.RESULTATIVE.wǒ yǐjing jiàn-guò {Zhāng Sān} le.I already see-EXPERIENTIAL {Zhang San} RESULTATIVE.Additional style[2] parameters can be applied to all gloss abbreviations using |glossing-style=. The default formatting using small caps can be disabled with |small-caps=no, and the default underlining can be turned off using |underline=no. To exempt a particular abbreviation from being treated as a grammatical gloss, use {{no gloss}}.The pesky boxes with glossing messages that are shown in preview mode can be turned off with |display-messages=no.The template recognises some of the most commonly used abbreviations. However, it is recommended to always specify the meaning of each abbreviation used. There are several ways to do that:wǒIyǐjingalreadyjiàn-guòsee-EXPZhāng SānZhang Sanle.RES.wǒ yǐjing jiàn-guò {Zhāng Sān} le.I already see-EXP {Zhang San} RES.This is a list of problems that are likely to be encountered:Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho InterlinearThis template formats interlinear glossed text.Only a few of the capabilities of this template are documented here. For all options, see its documentation. Alignment is automatic, so there is no need to add padding either inside or around the template.Tham số bản mẫuIt is italicised by default (unless the parameter "italics1" is set to "no").By default, this is expected to contain the glosses. If there are any glossing abbreviations, they will be expanded (unless the parameter "glossing2" is set to "no").If it is the last line, it is assumed to be the translation and so will not be interlinearised. To force the last line to be interlinearised, then add a new, empty, line after it.không có miêu tảkhông có miêu tảISO 639 code of the language.

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