Nguồn Isabella_xứ_Aragon,_Vương_hậu_Pháp

  1. Rodrigo Estevan 2009, tr. 90.
  2. Zurita & 1562-1580, tr. 272 of PDF, Chapter XLIII.Lỗi sfn: không có mục tiêu: CITEREFZurita1562-1580 (trợ giúp)
  3. Sabine Geldsetzer, Frauen auf Kreuzzügen
  4. The new Cambridge medieval history / 5 C. 1198 - c. 1300. by David Abulafia and Rosamond MacKitterick. The standard work of reference on the whole of Europe, east and west, during the thirteenth century. Page 654.
  5. The book of deeds of James I of Aragon: a translation of the medieval Catalan Llibre dels Fets by Damian J Smith and Helena Buffery. Page 139.
  6. Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, Le roi est mort. Étude sur les funérailles, les sépultures et les tombeaux des rois de France jusqu'à la fin du xiiie siècle