
This is a very flexible user link template, which allows you to specify which links are shown beside the username. It can be used as a meta-template to support other user link templates, or it can be used alone.The doc parameter is used to provide automatic documentation on the template page, i.e. |doc=yes.Dưới đây là một danh sách các mã liên kết được hỗ trợ hiện tại:Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · số lần sửa đổi · trang di chuyển · nhật trình)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)Ví dụ (thảo luận · đóng góp · gửi thư)In certain circumstances, the template will generate errors. This is a list of all the error messages that the template might generate, and how users can resolve them.There are two possible reasons for this error. The first is simply that you have not specified a username, or you have specified a username using an unrecognised parameter name. The second is that your username contains an equals sign, and that is causing the template to interpret the first half of your username as a parameter name. Both of these problems can be fixed by trying different parameters for the username. Try using |1=your username, |User=your username, and |user=your username, and if none of those work please start a new thread at Thảo luận Bản mẫu:User-multi.This error is produced if the template is not able to process the project parameter. The project parameter must either be a valid interwiki prefix or a valid language code. See Trợ giúp:Interwiki linking for a list of valid interwiki prefixes, and the section on language code errors directly above for more details on valid language codes.If you are sure that the interwiki prefix is valid, but you still get this error, it might be a bug in the software. This template uses Mô đun:InterwikiTable for interwiki prefix data, so you can check to see if your site and your prefix exist in the table and fix it if they don't. If that fails to resolve the problem, please start a new thread at Thảo luận Bản mẫu:User-multi.This error is generated if an invalid language code is specified. The language code must be a valid MediaWiki language code; for example, English is en and German is de. For a complete list of valid language codes, see the table of Wikimedia projects.This error is generated if an invalid link code is specified. For a list of valid link codes, see the code list above. This error may be generated if a link code corresponds to a function in Mô đun:UserLinks/extra, but a recent edit to that page has rendered the function inoperable. Please check recent edits to Mô đun:UserLinks/extra, and consider moving any often-used link functions to the main module.This error is only generated when using Mô đun:UserLinks directly to create a single link. The link code must be in the first positional parameter, like this: {{#gọi:UserLinks|single|link code|other parameters ...}}.This error can only be generated when accessing Mô đun:UserLinks from another Lua module. One of the link codes passed to the module was either not a string or was the blank string. This should be fixed in the Lua module that called Module:UserLinks.This error occurs when there is an error in one of the link functions. Usually, this means that a user has added an extra link function to Mô đun:UserLinks/extra, but has tried to use a user data snippet that doesn't exist. The link function that generated this error needs to be fixed by the developers or by the local module maintainers.All errors listed above are tracked in Thể loại:Các nhúng UserLinks có lỗi. This category is added in all namespaces, but respects the blacklist defined in Mô đun:Category handler. For example, archive pages are not categorised.To add a new link, you need to edit the Lua module that this template is based on, Mô đun:UserLinks. Instructions are in the source code, if you feel capable programming in Lua. If you're not familiar with Lua, feel free to make a request on Thảo luận Bản mẫu:User-multi, and someone might add the link for you.

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WikiPedia: Bản_mẫu:User-multi http://dnsstuff.com/tools/ipall/?ip= http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/tracert/?tool_id=68&... //www.google.com/search?q=V%C3%AD+d%E1%BB%A5 http://www.google.com/search?q=V%C3%AD+d%E1%BB%A5 //www.google.com/search?q=V%C3%AD_d%E1%BB%A5 http://www.robtex.com/rbls/ http://www.stopforumspam.com/search/V%C3%AD_d%E1%B... http://www.dnswatch.info/dns/dnslookup?host=V%C3%A... http://www.dnswatch.info/dns/dnslookup?la=en&host=...