Usage Bản_mẫu:IPAalink

First parameter (required): any IPA symbol.

  • {{IPAalink|m}} → ⟨m
  • {{IPAalink|ɡb}} → ⟨ɡb

Second parameter: changes the label of the wikilink.

  • {{IPAalink|m|Any text}} → ⟨Any text

Audio link

|audio=yes adds a link to the corresponding audio file:

If the value in |audio= is not "yes", "y", "true", etc., it is treated as the name of an audio file:

  • {{IPAalink|ɽ|audio=Retroflex flaps.ogg}} → ⟨ɽ⟩ (listen)

If the audio file is not specified at Module:IPA symbol/data, the link will not appear:

  • {{IPAalink|s̬|audio=yes}} → ⟨


If the IPA symbol is not defined at Module:IPA symbol/data, then an error message is returned and the page will be categorized into Category:International Phonetic Alphabet pages needing attention.

  • {{IPAalink|xyz}} → Error using {{IPA symbol}}: "xyz" not found in list

The error message can be customized in |errortext=. This cancels the addition of the error category. If set to blank, the message will not appear at all.

  • {{IPAalink|xyz|errortext=Custom error message}} → Custom error message
  • {{IPAalink|xyz|errortext=blank}}
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