
Tần suất 87,4 million (2015)[5]
Phương thức chẩn đoán Based on symptoms, confirmed by endoscopy or bari swallow[1]
Nguyên nhân Helicobacter pylori, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tobacco smoking, Crohn disease[1][3]
Khoa Gastroenterology
General surgery
Tử vong 267.500 (2015)[6]
Dược phẩm nội khoa Proton pump inhibitor, H2 blocker, antibiotics[1][4]
Tình trạng tương tự Stomach cancer, coronary heart disease, inflammation of the stomach lining, gallbladder inflammation[1]
Triệu chứng Upper abdominal pain, belching, vomiting, weight loss, poor appetite[1]
Biến chứng Bleeding, perforation, blockage of the stomach[2]
Điều trị Stopping smoking, stopping NSAIDs, stopping alcohol, medications[1]