Chú thích Musseromys

  1. Heaney, L.R.; Balete, D.S.; Rickart, E.A.; Veluz, M.J.; Jansa, S.A. (2009). “Chapter 7. A New Genus and Species of Small 'Tree-Mouse' (Rodentia, Muridae) Related to the Philippine Giant Cloud Rats”. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 331: 205–229. doi:10.1206/582-7.1.
  2. Heaney, L.R.; Balete, D.S.; Rickart, E.A.; Veluz, M.J.; Jansa, S.A. (2014). “Three New Species of Musseromys (Muridae, Rodentia), the Endemic Philippine Tree Mouse from Luzon Island”. American Museum Novitates. 3802: 1–27. doi:10.1206/3802.1.