
Không tìm thấy kết quả Michael_(Tổng_lãnh_Thiên_thần)

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English version Michael_(Tổng_lãnh_Thiên_thần)


Quan thầy của Protector of the Jewish people,[1] Guardian of the Catholic Church,[2] Vatican City,[3][4][không khớp với nguồn] sickness[5]
Biểu trưng Archangel; Treading on a dragon; carrying a banner, scales, and sword
Tôn kính All Christian denominations which venerate saints
Tuyên thánh Pre-Congregation
Lễ kính
  • 8 November (New Calendar Eastern Orthodox Churches)
  • 21 November (Old Calendar Eastern Orthodox Churches)
  • 29 September ("Michaelmas")
  • 8 May (Tridentine Calendar)
  • 12th of each month in Coptic calendar (Coptic Churches)
  • many other local and historical feasts