Tham khảo Hermann_Grassmann

    Sơ cấp

    • 1844. Die lineare Ausdehnungslehre. Leipzig: Wiegand. English translation, 1995, by Lloyd Kannenberg, A new branch of mathematics. Chicago: Open Court. This is A1.
    • 1861. Lehrbuch der Mathematik fur hohere Lehrenstalten, Band 1. Berlin: Enslin.
    • 1862. Die Ausdehnungslehre, vollstandig und in strenger Form bearbeitet. Berlin: Enslin. English translation, 2000, by Lloyd Kannenberg, Extension Theory. American Mathematical Society. This is A2. Excerpt translated by D. Fearnley-Sander.
    • 1894-1911. Gesammelte mathematische und physikalische Werke, in 3 vols. Friedrich Engel ed. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner. Reprinted 1972, New York: Johnson.

    Trung cấp:

    • Crowe, Michael, 1967. A History of Vector Analysis. Notre Dame University Press.
    • Fearnley-Sander, Desmond, 1979, "Hermann Grassmann and the Creation of Linear Algebra," American Mathematical Monthly 86: 809-17.
    • --------, 1982, "Hermann Grassmann and the Prehistory of Universal Algebra," Am. Math. Monthly 89: 161-66.
    • -------, and Stokes, Timothy, 1996, "Area in Grassmann Geometry ". Automated Deduction in Geometry: 141-70
    • Roger Penrose, 2004. The Road to Reality. Alfred A. Knopf.
    • Schlege, Victor, 1878. Hermann Grassmann: Sein Leben und seine Werke. Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus.
    • Schubring, G., ed., 1996. Hermann Gunther Grassmann (1809-1877): visionary mathematician, scientist and neohumanist scholar. Kluwer.
    • Petsche, Hans-Joachim, 2006. Graßmann. (Vita Mathematica, 13) Birkhäuser.

    Extensive online bibliography, revealing substantial contemporary interest in Grassmann's life and work. References each chapter in Schubring.

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