Chú giải Doctor_(Doctor_Who)

  1. Following Hartnell's death in 1975, actor Richard Hurndall substituted in his role as the First Doctor in 1983's 20th anniversary special, The Five Doctors.
  2. The War Doctor was introduced in "The Name of the Doctor" and follows Paul McGann's "Eighth Doctor" and precedes Christopher Eccleston's "Ninth Doctor" within the show's internal chronology.
  3. The Eleventh Doctor (played by Matt Smith) believed himself to be the final incarnation, owing to the existence of the War Doctor and the Tenth Doctor's partially aborted regeneration in "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End".
  4. Colin Baker did not actually appear in the regeneration scene from Time and the Rani, as he declined to participate. Instead, Sylvester McCoy was seen briefly, wearing a blond wig, with his facial features obscured by a video effect before he regenerated into the Seventh Doctor. According to the Past Doctor Adventures spin-off novel Spiral Scratch, the Sixth Doctor was exhausted by a battle with a Lamprey and his regeneration had already begun when the tractor beam of the Rani ensnared the TARDIS. The canonicity of this event is unclear.

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