
This template is intended to allow entry of imperial weights (Avoirdupois), measured in tons, hundredweights, quarters and/or pounds (ton, cwt, qr and/or lb) and provide a conversion into pounds and into tonnes (metric tons) or kilograms (if the first parameter is blank or zero).This format is traditional for the specification of locomotive and bells cast manufactured or used in the UK and some other Commonwealth countries. See Dove's Bellringers' Guide.Only the second parameter, the number of cwt, is required; all the others are optional. Note that the first parameter must be empty then.There is no option to write full names of the units. The units are written: long ton[s], [long] cwt, qr, lb. (Where {{convert}} has |abbr=off/on).Làm tròn phụ thuộc vào đầu vào.Bên trong dấu ngoặc ngữ pháp, sử dụng disp=or hoặc disp=sqbr: A replacement ring of ten bells (tenor {{long ton||18|1|2|disp=or}})A replacement ring of ten bells (tenor {{long ton||18|1|2|disp=sqbr}})Sử dụng disp=table trong bảng.Sử dụng ref= để thêm tham khảo hoặc ghi chú cuối trang.{{long ton|3|18|1|2|ref=<ref>some source</ref>}}Cho ví dụ: